Admissions to Foundation 1
Foundation 1 admissions are managed by the school, children can start the term after their 3rd birthday. Please call into the school office for an application form or download one from the link below.
Admissions to Foundation 2 to Year 6
Parents who wish their children to attend Rock Ferry Primary School need to complete the Primary School Place Application form from 1st September and by the 15th January prior to the starting date. The form and timetable for school admissions can accessed through the links below:
All applications must be made on the appropriate Local Authority application form. The Local Education admissions policy will be followed and places will be allocated as per the timetable on the Wirral Council website for the expected starting year.
Parents who wish to transfer their child during the school year need to complete the relevant Primary in Year Application form and send it to the Children and Young People’s department. This form is available online in the link below.
It may not always be possible to grant an out of zone request. If a school is full then the education of the children would suffer if more children were to be admitted. Sometimes there will be room in a school for some but not all of the children who have asked for a place and then priority will be given according to the list of priorities in the Wirral Council Admissions Policy.
Parents with children who are eligible for admission and who move into the area may have their children admitted to the school at any time during the school year. We encourage prospective parents to visit school. All parents of our new intake in September are invited to a meeting prior to the start of the term, when they have the opportunity to view the school and talk to the Headteacher and staff.
Admission to Wirral schools is co-ordinated by the council. Schools cannot offer places directly. Parents are advised to discuss the reason for requesting a transfer with their current school prior to making an application.
Transfer to Secondary School
Children in Wirral transfer to secondary school at age 11. A separate booklet describing the provision for secondary education in the Borough is given to all parents of children in the last year of primary school. The Headteacher usually holds a meeting for all parents to guide them through the process.
Primary Education Information for Parents
Wirral Council Apply for a place online